text RS Fuel
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Fuels Offerred:
101 Octane, 100% Gas
93 Octane, Blend
91 Octane, 100% Gas
89 Octane, 100% Gas
87 Octane, 100% Gas
CNG - Compressed Natural Gas
E10 - 10% Ethanol,90% Gas
E85 - 85% Ethanol,15% Gas
Flex Fuel - is E85

Fuels Offerred:

We are a Phillips branded station, offering an exceptionally diverse selection of fuels, including:
- Five grades of 100% pure gas: 87, 89, 91 & 101 Octane!
- Due to recent (2021) fuel supply delivery disruptions, 93 Octane is currently 10% Ethanol blend.
- Two blends of Ethanol:
    - E10 is 10% Ethanol & 90% Unleaded 87
    - E85 (Flexfuel) is 85% Ethanol & 15% Unleaded 87
- Diesel
- CNG (Compressed Natural Gas) with two pressures
    - 3,000 psi &
    - 3,600 psi

That's 10 grades and types of fuel.

Store Hours: Sunday-Thursday:   6:00 am to 11:00pm
                    Friday & Saturday:  6:00 am to 12:00am
Address:       3330 W. Memorial Road, Oklahoma City, OK  73120
Copyright @ 2011 - 2018 RS Fuel, LLC